Spotlight - Original Spotlight Unveiling the Dual Role of Forests in the Methane Cycle🌱 This breakthrough emphasizes the importance of preserving and expanding forests to combat climate change.🌍
Tech - Original Tech Greenstand's Treetracker: Empowering Communities🌱 Treetracker aims to create an autonomous system that tackles global environmental challenges while supporting impoverished communities by empowering donors to plant verified trees. 🌳
Tech Tech - Original Documenting Biodiversity Threats: MineAlert-Africa🌍 By providing a snapshot of the current state and future historical data of mining activities, MineAlert-Africa aims to empower stakeholders in environmental preservation. 🌱
Spotlight Spotlight - Original The Palm of Our Hands: Mapping the Oil Palm Odyssey🌴 The study mapped 23.98 million hectares (Mha) of oil palm plantations globally.
Tech Tech - Original Impact of LobbyMap on Sustainable Finance🗺️ LobbyMap's mission is to ensure this influence is transparent, accountable, and aligned with global sustainability goals. 💡
Tech Tech - Original Evaluating Global Tree-Growing Efforts 🌍🌲 Despite widespread recognition of these principles, only a fraction of organizations in the study set measurable, time-bound objectives and provide detailed monitoring data. 📝
Spotlight - Original Spotlight Mapping Global Greenery With Sentinel-3 & GEE🌍🛰️ This breakthrough promises to enhance our understanding of Earth's green cover, providing critical insights into ecological balance and aiding the fight against climate change. 🌍
Tech Tech - Original Tough Nut to Crack: Tree Seed Supply Chains🐿️🌲 In a recent Canadian industry survey, the most oft-cited constraints on producing more native trees were lack of infrastructure, lack of labour, lack of market demand and lack of availability of seed (40%).
Tech Tech - Original Data for Reforestation: The Potential Reforestation Index📈 The PRI is a prime example of how environmental science powered by data can revolutionize our approach to nature. 🌎
Spotlight - Original Spotlight Closing the Reforestation Gap in the Western United States🌲🇺🇸 Despite various reforestation initiatives, the scale of tree planting has not kept pace with the increasing need. Seed collection, nursery production, and tree planting must be scaled up to meet the demand for additional trees across the U.S.
Spotlight Spotlight - Original Leveraging Open Data for Forest Restoration in Asia🌳 Initially, one year after planting, the average mortality rate was 18.0%. Over a decade after planting, the mortality rate averaged 48.3%. 🌳
Spotlight Spotlight - Original Key Differences: Restoration vs. Plantations🌳🌲 If forests are a public good, then the public has a right to know how their money is spent and what their land is used for—whether the purposes are purely utilitarian, commercial, or both. 🌱