Spotlight How Germany Outfitted Half a Million Balconies With Solar Panels “It makes the energy transition feel a little more concrete and not so abstract,” said Helena Holenweger of the nonprofit Deutsche Umwelthilfe
Spotlight Reading Desert Sands – Indigenous Wildlife Tracking Skills Underpin Vast Monitoring Project Monitoring animal numbers, locations and responses to environmental change is vital for guiding efforts to support their survival.
Spotlight - Original Spotlight China’s Tree Planting Power: 🌳 How Much Carbon Is That? China’s forests have the potential to absorb double its 2020 industrial carbon emissions...
News Landless Movement Reforests Area in Minas Gerais The efforts aim to form reforested territories alongside the national “Planting Trees, Producing Healthy Food” Movement...
Spotlight European Commission VP’s Roundtable: Influencers in the Fight Against Misinformation At this meeting, Prof Bratsas highlighted the crucial role of open data in the fight against misinformation.
News Thailand Turns to Mangrove Carbon Credits After 30 years of concessions for mining, charcoal production and shrimp farming, Watchara and the communities have filled the mud with saplings.
Spotlight Indigenous Communities Can Decide on Carbon Market Risks It’s been a tough year for the voluntary carbon market, and last year was also challenging...
News 6 Graphics Explain South America’s Forest Fires Data on WRI’s Global Forest Watch platform shows that the number of fire alerts in the Amazon region are 79% higher than average for this time of year.
Spotlight Climate Finance Missing to Deliver on Global Stocktake is unclear which of the Global Stocktake recommendations are already being implemented, and to what extent.
News Cutting Pollution Could Save Tens of Thousands of Lives Sarju Ganatra, a cardiologist at Lahey Hospital and Medical Center in Massachusetts, says reducing climate pollution can improve our health.
News Success of Zai Farming in North Cameroon Farmers adopting the Zai method have seen a boom in their yield despite the hefty work involved.
Spotlight 3 Key Open Source Challenges in Developing Countries Open source faces many struggles in developing countries that make how it's perceived and its associations inaccurate and out of touch.