Spotlight Scientific Models Trust the Land to Soak Up Lots of CO₂ – the Reality is a Lot More Messy Large-scale CO₂ removal depends on there being vast amounts of land to store carbon in trees and soil.
Spotlight Anti-Corruption: The Missing Ingredient in the G20’s Sustainable Development Push The G20 Rio Summit is a critical opportunity to drive forward financial integrity reforms and secure a win for sustainable development
Spotlight Despite Biden's Promise to Protect Old Forests, His Administration Keeps Approving Plans to Cut Them Down Less than 10% of forests in the lower 48 states remain unlogged or undisturbed by development.
Spotlight Companies are Buying Up Cheap Carbon Offsets − Data Suggest it May be More About Greenwashing than Helping the Climate Industries with relatively low emissions, such as services and financial industries, are much more intensive in their use of offsets.
News Brazil’s Amazon Deforestation Drops to 9-Year Low 🇧🇷 However, fire-induced damage isn’t always reflected in deforestation data. Like many countries, Brazil does not classify areas lost to wildfires as deforestation.
News The 5 States Where Environmental Ballot Initiatives Triumphed Across the country, voters approved spending billions of dollars on climate resilience and conservation.
Spotlight - Original Spotlight How Plantation Forests Are Changing Ethiopia’s Highlands🇪🇹 With smarter data, Ethiopia could cultivate not just forests, but a thriving, resilient landscape.
Spotlight Do Forest Conservation Pledges Really Make a Difference? 🌲 Bustar Maitar, an Indonesian forest activist of 20 years, reinforced the positive side effects of the declaration.
Spotlight UN Biodiversity Talks Stalled, but Protecting Nature Cannot Wait Halting biodiversity loss will require billions more in finance to protect and restore nature by 2030.
Spotlight COP29 Funds & Finance Reform: Key for Africa’s Climate Fight 💸 Development finance is undergoing meaningful and potentially impactful reform for the first time.
News Greener Pastures Ahead: Maasai Adapt with Trees 🌳 “We grow different types of native trees, as well as vegetable and fruit trees like avocado, lemon and orange trees.”
News A Deal on Sharing Benefits from Genetic Resources is Key to COP16’s Success The fund aims to provide a significant stream of finance to cover the over USD 700 billion a year needed to reverse biodiversity loss.